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Phoenix Announces Financial Assistance Program to Address Vacant Storefronts and Improve Public Infrastructure

| Published February 08, 2024

​The City of Phoenix provides financial grant assistance to retail and commercial properties to improve public infrastructure to support the recovery and occupancy of vacant retail properties. The Vacant Storefront Improvement Assistance Program provides struggling retail building owners the opportunity to remain competitive while revitalizing and beautifying the surrounding area. Buildings that qualify are those public infrastructure improvements that delay or prevent the development and occupancy of an existing building and overall site.

Examples of potential public infrastructure improvements include:

  • Sidewalk/street installation and/or repairs

  • Street/traffic lights

  • Place making signage

  • Landscape enhancements/improvements in the right-of-way

  • Median installation

  • Bus shelter enhancements/improvements

  • Water/sewer line installation and/or extension

  • Public art installation

Building owners may apply for up to $250,000 of financial assistance. The program is funded through the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund program (SLFRF) as authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA). Funds must be completely spent by December 31, 2024. 

To see the full list of requirements, visit​

Applications may be submitted by email to

Media Contact: 

Athena Sanchez, Interim Communications Manager

Call/text: 602-621-0507

Program Contacts:

Karla Scott, Program Manager
Call: 602-534-7511 

Abby Garcia, Project Manager 
Call: 602-261-8013